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7 inch 800x480 IPS TFT Display
  • 7 inch 800x480 IPS TFT Display
  • 7 inch 800x480 IPS TFT Display
  • 7 inch 800x480 IPS TFT Display
  • 7 inch 800x480 IPS TFT Display

7 inch 800x480 IPS TFT Display

Part NO: MX-070NR50KFS-N57
► Size: 7.0"
► Resolution: 800*480 Pixels
► Display Mode: IPS
► Brightness: 200 Nits
► Interface: RGB 50 PIN
► Touch Screen: Without (Optional)

    MX-070NR50KFS-N57 is a 7 inch LCD display with a resolution of 800x480 pixels, IPS full-view angle, 200 nits brightness, and a 50-pin RGB interface. Unlike traditional 7 inch 800x480 RGB 50 pin TN screens, MX-070NR50KFS-N57 distinguishes itself with its unique IPS panel design. Whether in industrial applications, medical devices, or embedded systems, the IPS screen of MX-070NR50KFS-N57 showcases outstanding performance, making it a highly anticipated high-quality LCD display.

    Product Structure
    Drawing of 7 inch 800x480 IPS TFT Display

    LCD PIN Function (50 PIN RGB)
    Pin NO. Symbol Description
    1~2 VLEDA+ Power for LED backlight (Anode)
    3~4 VLED- Power for LED backlight (Catgode)
    5 GND Power ground
    6 NC Not connect
    7 DVDD Digital Power
    8 NC Not connect
    9 DE Data Enable signal
    10 VSD Vertical sync input. Negative polarity
    11 HSD Horizontal sync input. Negative polarity
    12 B7 Blue Data lnput (MSB)
    13~18 B6~B1 Blue Data lnput
    19 B0 Blue Data lnput (LSB)
    20 G7 Green Data lnput (MSB)
    21~26 G6~G1 Green Data lnput
    27 G0 Green Data lnput (LSB)
    28 R7 Red Data lnput (MSB)
    29~34 R6 Red Data lnput
    35 R0 Red Data lnput (LSB)
    36 GND Power ground
    37 DCLK Clock input
    38 GND Power ground
    39 SHLR Left or Right Display Control
    40 UPDN Up/Down Display Control
    41~43 NC No tconnect
    44 RSTB Global reset pin. Active low to enter reset state.
    Suggest to connecting with an RC reset circuit for stability.
    Normally pull high. (R=10KΩ, C=1μF)
    45~47 NC Not connect
    48 GND Power ground
    49~50 NC Not connect

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