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  • 4-Zoll-Oncell-LCD-Touch-Display
  • 4-Zoll-Oncell-LCD-Touch-Display
  • 4-Zoll-Oncell-LCD-Touch-Display
  • 4-Zoll-Oncell-LCD-Touch-Display


Modul-Nr.: MX-040HM30TFM-C06
► Größe: 7 Zoll
► Auflösung: 720*720 Pixel
► Anzeigemodus: IPS
► Helligkeit: 600 Nits
► Schnittstelle: MIPI 30 PIN
► Projizierter kapazitiver Touchscreen
- Glas+Glasstruktur
- I2C-Schnittstelle
- FT5446 Touch-Controller

    MX-040HM30TFM-C06 is a 4 inch LCD touch display equipped with a capacitive touch screen. Boasting a crystal-clear resolution of 720x720 pixels, the 4 inch LCD display employs IPS technology, providing an expansive viewing angle of 85/85/85/85. With MIPI interface, this display operates seamlessly within a temperature range of -20°C to 70°C, making it a versatile choice for embedded systems, such as control panels, user interfaces, and more.

    Product Structure
    Drawing of 4 inch LCD Touch Display

    LCD PIN Function (30 PIN MIPI)
    Pin No. Symbol Description
    1 LEDA Anode of LED backlight
    2 LEDK1 Cathode of LED backlight
    3 LEDK2 Cathode of LED backlight
    4 VCI Power supply for analog circuit
    5 IOVCC Power supply for digital circuit
    6 RESET Reset pin
    7 TE Tearing effective
    8 PWM LED driver control pin
    9 GND Power ground
    10 D0P High speed interface data differential signal input/output pins
    11 D0N
    12 GND Power ground
    13 D1P High speed interface data differential signal input pins
    14 D1N
    15 GND Power ground
    16 CLKP High speed interface CLOCK differential signal input pins
    17 CLKN
    18 GND Power ground
    19 D2P High speed interface data differential signal input pins
    20 D2N
    21 GND Power ground
    22 D3P High speed interface data differential signal input pins
    23 D3N
    24 GND Power ground
    25 TP_INT Interrupt request to the host, or Wakeup request from the host
    26 TP_SDA I2C data input and output
    27 TP_SCL I2C clock input
    28 TP_RESET External Reset
    29 TP_VCI Power supply for analog circuit
    30 TP_IOVCC Power supply for digital circuit

    Absolute Maximum Ratings
    Parameter Symbol Min. Max. Unit
    Supply voltage for analog VCI -0.3 6.6 V
    Supply voltage for logic IOVCC -0.3 5.5 V
    Supply current (One LED) ILED - 30 mA
    Operating temperature TOP -20 70
    Storage temperature TST -30 80

    Electrical Characteristics
    Item Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Unit
    Supply Voltage for Analog VCI 2.5 3.3 3.6 V
    Supply Voltage for Logic IOVCC 1.65 1.8 2.0  V
    Input Voltage VIL GND - 0.3IOVCC V
    Input leakage Current ILKG -1 - 1 μA

    Backlight Characteristics
    Item Symbol Value Unit Remark
    Min. Typ. Max.
    Voltage for LED Backlight VF - 24.8 - V IL=40mA
    Current for LED Backlight IL - 40 - mA -
    Power Consumption P - 0.992 - W -
    LED Life Time - 30,000 - - Hr Note
    Luminance L 480 600 840 Cd/m2 IL=40mA


MAXEN Electronics

+86-(0769) 8777 0259

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40A, Fl.4, No.2 Building, Cosmo Technopark, Fenggang Town, Dongguan 523697, CHINA
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