MX-043NR40-PB is a high-quality 4.3-inch VGA LCD module powered by an SSD102 controller chipset. It combines a vivid 4.3 inch TFT LCD (MX-B4NR40-TNG22) and a versatile AV VGA interface controller board. The dimensions of the PCBA can be tailored to match the target mechanical design.
Key Features include:
• Choice of IPS or TN technology for the LCD display
• Industrial-grade quality assurance
• High-definition TFT resolution of 480*272
• Compatibility with both resistive touch panel (RTP) and capacitive touchscreen (PCAP) options
• Seamless assembly of VGA module with touchscreen
• Comprehensive turnkey service for customers encompassing the driving board, LCD cable, touchscreen, inverter, and options for optical or air bonding.
Product Structure

VGA PCBA board mechanical design