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Hochwertige resistive Touchpanel, resistive 4-Draht-/5-Draht-Touchscreen-Lösung

● Resistive Standard-Touchscreen-Größen von 2,4" bis 32".

● Einmalige Berührung.

● Aufbau: Film-auf-Glas / PET-Film-auf-Glas oder andere.

● ITO-Glasstärke: 0,7 mm, 1,1 mm, 1,8 mm oder kundenspezifisch.

● Schnittstelle: Schweißen 1,0 Pitch / Stecken 1,0 Pitch / 2,54 Pitch USB-Schnittstelle.

● Eingabemethode: Finger, behandschuhter Finger, Stift.

● Aktivierungskraft: 0,1 N bis 1,0 N, je nach Design.

● Oberflächenhärte: 3H oder höher.

● Oberflächenbehandlung: Antireflex-, Matt-, Anti-Newton-Ring- und Kratzoptionen.

● Komplette Touch-Lösung einschließlich resistiver Touchpanels, Steuerplatine, Firmware und Software.

Size Resolution Image Model NO. Structure IC Model Active Area Cover O.D Cover thickness Sensor Thickness Interface Surface Treatment Custom
7.0" 800x480/1024x600 Widerstandsfähiges Touchpanel 7 Zoll HCT-070043-03 HCT-070043-03 Film to Glass / 155.68x87.52 164.30x99.00 / 0.70 4-wire USB Matte, anti-newton ring Available
10.1" 1280x800 10,1-Zoll-Resistiv-Touchpanel HCT102A4K002-E HCT102A4K002-E Film to Glass / 217.00x136.20 228.50x148.50 / 1.10 4-wire USB Matte Available
10.4" 1024x768 10,4-Zoll-Resistiv-Touchscreen HCT-104Q506-R3 HCT-104Q506-R3 Film to Glass / 212.00x159.40 234.00x178.00 / 1.80 5-wire USB Matte, anti-newton ring Available
12.1" 800x600/1024x768 12 Zoll Resistiver Touchscreen HCT121A4B016-RS232 HCT121A4B016-RS232 Film to Glass / 246.00x185.00 266.60x204.00 / 1.80 4-wire USB Anti-Glare Available
15.0" 1024x768 15-Zoll-Resistiv-Touchscreen MX-A15IL01-Q012 MX-A15IL01-Q012 Film to Glass / 305.00x229.00 346.00x270.00 0.25 1.80 5-wire USB Matte Available
15.0" 1024x768 15-Zoll-Resistiv-Touchpanel HCT150A5B009-A HCT150A5B009-A Film to Glass / 303.50x227.50 322.00x245.50 / 1.80 5-wire USB Anti-Glare Available
19.0" 1280x1024 19-Zoll-Resistiv-Touchscreen HCT190A5B003-A HCT190A5B003-A Film to Glass / 375.00x300.00 396.00x323.00 / 1.80mm 5-wire USB Anti-Glare Available
MAXEN Electronics

+86-(0769) 8777 0259

+86-139 2346 1826


40A, Fl.4, No.2 Building, Cosmo Technopark, Fenggang Town, Dongguan 523697, CHINA
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